How To Choose the Best Vet for My Dog

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Need to know how to choose the best vet for your dog in Austin? Through careful research and word-of-mouth referrals, you can find the veterinarian clinic that is right for you and your dog. You can also reach out to Walk! ATX as we work with animals every day. We are here to answer all your questions in finding a vet that’s right for your dog. From considering the clinic environment to the services the clinic offers to the care provided by the vet, we will help you weigh your options when choosing a provider for your pet.

How To Find a Veterinarian

We understand you may feel overwhelmed with how to go about finding a puppy veterinarian, especially as a new pet owner. Consider these resources when looking for a puppy vet:

  • Word-of-mouth – Asking a fellow dog owner may be your best source of information. Ask your friend, dog walker, or someone at the dog park how they found their vet. If you believe their standards for pet care are similar to yours, consider scheduling a visit to their recommended veterinary clinic.
  • Breeding clubs or animal shelters – Whether you have a purebred dog or a rescue animal, local area breed clubs or shelters can be great resources when searching for a vet. These facilities usually have relationships with local veterinary practices and can offer recommendations for a veterinarian.
  • Online searches – Although perhaps not as reliable as personal referrals, checking a vet’s web page and reading online client reviews can be a helpful place to start looking for a vet for dogs in the area. Pay attention to state or local veterinary medical associations, which may have lists of area practices to serve you. Search a veterinarian that has good online reviews and look up if they are affiliated with and choose the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA)-accredited clinics.

Does The Cost of Services Matter When Choosing a Veterinarian?

The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) cautions that cost should not be the sole consideration when choosing a vet. While cost is often a factor, you will want to consider several other factors when looking for a vet. The level of care and compassion the veterinarian and the clinic staff offer, the location and clinic office hours, and the payment options are all important when selecting a vet. While some veterinary medical services may be offered at low rates, your pet may need more comprehensive care. In other words, just because the “price is right” doesn’t mean that practice is the best fit for you and your dog. 

Vet Clinics vs. Animal Hospitals

You may wonder what the difference is between a vet clinic and an animal hospital, especially if your pet’s condition is critical. As the name suggests, animal hospitals often offer a more comprehensive range of veterinary services with more specialized care than vet clinics. Although the quality of care is likely comparable, animal hospitals typically have a broader range of treatment options they can perform in their facility.

Vet clinics differ from animal hospitals in that they offer more routine care, such as wellness examinations, vaccinations, and other more general veterinary services. Most vet clinics focus on preventative care, whereas animal hospitals provide the specialized care some dogs require because of their condition, breed, or age.

The staffing at an animal hospital also differs from that at a clinic. Vet techs work at animal hospitals under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian. Unlike veterinary assistants who work at vet clinics, vet techs must pass a credentialing exam.

Do I Need To Find an Emergency Vet Clinic?

Unfortunately, sometimes, our beloved canine companions need emergency medical care. Thankfully, emergency vet clinics are available to offer care in life-threatening situations. Whether a traumatic accident occurred or your pet acquired a sudden illness, emergency veterinarians treat dogs in critical situations.

Although you hope you never need it, finding an emergency vet clinic may be essential in saving your pet’s life. It is best to familiarize yourself with the local emergency vet clinics to ensure you can quickly seek treatment for your pet if you need it. An emergency vet can handle major surgeries and bowel obstructions and may offer your dog emergent care when it needs it most. You can also use your pet insurance at emergency clinics if the veterinary care you need is outside normal hours of operation.

Contact Walk! ATX Today

From discussing local vet clinic options to reviewing training resources to offering grooming tips, Walk! ATX is happy to help you and your dog with the many issues facing pet owners. Our team offers dog walking services, dog training, and pet sitting, among many other services. Call today or contact us online to see how we can support you and your pet.

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